В Башкирии утвердили дополнительные требования к содержанию и выгулу домашних животных, ограничив число собак и кошек, которых можно содержать в квартире. Соответствующее постановление правительства региона опубликовано на официальном интернет-портале правовой информации.
The main idea is that Russia's Bashkortostan region has implemented new restrictions on dog ownership in apartments. These restrictions limit the number of dogs allowed based on the size of the living space and require owners to provide proper care, including feeding, and to leash their dogs in public areas.
The main idea is that Russia's Bashkortostan region has implemented new restrictions on dog ownership in apartments. These restrictions limit the number of dogs allowed based on the size of the living space and require owners to provide proper care, including feeding, and to leash their dogs in public areas.